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Q: What happens to Odysseus' fleet?
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What did laestrygons do to Odysseus fleet?

They ate the sailors and destroyed the whole fleet.

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Who destroyed most of Odysseus's fleet?

The laestygons ateOdysseus crew and destroyed his whole fleet except for his ship.

Who destroyed most of Odysseus fleet?

The laestygons ateOdysseus crew and destroyed his whole fleet except for his ship.

How does Poseidon separate Odysseus ship from the fleet and prevent Odysseus from returning home?

Because he can walk on water..

What happens to Penelope's suitors?

Odysseus and his son slaughter them when Odysseus gets home.

What happens when Odysseus reveals his identity to the suitors?

Odysseus kills them it on sparknotes.

In The Odyssey what are the laestrygones?

The Laestrygones are a race of giant cannibals encountered by Odysseus on his journey home. They inhabit an island where they attack Odysseus's fleet, destroying all but one ship. Only Odysseus's ship manages to escape this encounter.

What happens to Odysseus on the island of Scheria?

It was the home of the Phaeacians, who treated Odysseus as a welcome guest.

What happens to the last of Odysseus' crew?

The last of Odysseus' crew drown after Zeus splinters the boat with lightning.

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Odysseus is an epic hero. Based on what you know about the Trojan War and Odysseus, write a paragraph predicting what you think The Odyssey will be about.

What was the name of Odysseus' ship?

No name is mentioned since he starts off with a large fleet and is never left with just his own.