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Q: What happens to a balloon when you put it in a warm room?
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What would happen if you put a balloon in the room?

What kind of room? A warm or cold room? Be specific about what kind of room it's in, 'kay?(:

What happens to the mass of a balloon when you put it in a warm room?

Nothing happens to the mass of the balloon. Mass is conserved, so the temperature of the balloon will not affect it's mass. Mass can be thought of the amount of "stuff" that makes up a balloon. It can be obtained by adding up the mass of all the molecules of rubber in the balloon. Obviously, putting the balloon in a warm room will not change the number of molecules in the balloon, therefore the mass stays constant. The volume of the balloon will probably increase. Because volume increases but mass remains constant, the density of the balloon would decrease. D = m/v

What happens to the air inside a balloon when you put it in a warm place?

The air inside expands.

What happens if you put some yeast and a pinch of sugar with warm water and a balloon ontop of the container and leave at for a week?

the balloon will inflate

What happens when you put one balloon in a freazer and one outside?

If you wait long enough, you eventually wind up with one warm balloon and one cold one.

What happens of you put plaster on a water balloon?

If you put plaster over a water balloon and freeze it, the water balloon will bulge out.

What happens when you put a balloon full of water in the freezer?

It Freezes ! :P

What happens when you fill a balloon with steam then put it in the refrigerator?

The balloon will contract.

What happens to a balloon's pressure when put into the fridge?

it dies

What happens if you put a balloon in hot air?

it pops

What happens when you put a balloon in cold water?

The balloon shrinks because the molecules are moving slower

When you put a balloon in a cold room then in a worm room does its density change?

No. The volume of the helium will change as it expands the balloon due to the increase in temperature. The density of an element never changes. The reason for that is because density is just a fancy way of saying 'The atoms are this far apart' in the equation mass/volume = density.