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the wire would be deflected perpendicular to the magnetic field in the opposite direction.

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Q: What happens to a current carrying wire in a magnetic field when it is reversed?
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What happens to a current carrying wire in a magnetic field if the current is reversed?

In that case, the magnetic field caused by the current would also be reversed. As for the wire itself, it would feel a force in the opposite direction, due to the interaction of the magnetic fields.

What happens when the electric current is reversed on am electromagnet?

When an electric current is reversed in an electromagnet, the magnetic field also reverses.

What happens when you reverse the current in a current-carrying magnetic field?

The polarity of the electromagnet reverses.

What happens to a compass when it is brought near a current-carrying wire?

the compass aligns with the magnetic field created by the wire

What happens when you hold a compass close a wire carrying a current?

current flowing throgh a conducter or wire it emmits a circuler magnetic field around the wire.a compass react to a magnetic field by point to the north pole.(point throgh the south to the north).

What happens when a compass is placed near a current-carrying wire?

That depends. If we assume that current is flowing though the wire then there is an induced magnetic field equal to B=u_o*I/(2R*pi). For a visual refer to

What happens to the magnetic field if the current in the wire increases?

If the current in the wire increases, the magnetic field also increases.

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the current will increase

In an electromagnet as the electric current changes what happens to the magnetic field?

the magnetic field would constantly change, that's why the AC current is converted to DC current

What happens when you decrease the current in an electromagnet?

When you decrease the current in an electromagnet, the magnetic field decreases.

What happens with the energy associated to the magnetic field of a coil with electric current if the electric current is turned off?

The magnetic field or energy associated with the magnetic field will no longer be generated if the current is turned off.

Which happens to the magnetic field of a wire when you change the direction of the current in the wire The magnetic field?

The magnetic field collapses to zero, then builds up again for the current in the opposite direction.