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It must collect enough mass in order for gravity to be able to turn it into a sphere.

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Q: What happens to a protostar to eventually form a main sequence star?
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What is the correct life sequence of a star?

The correct life sequence of a star starts with a protostar, which forms from a dense cloud of gas and dust. The protostar then evolves into a main sequence star, where it fuses hydrogen atoms to form helium in its core. Depending on its mass, the star will either become a red giant or a supergiant before eventually shedding its outer layers to become a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole.

Will a protostar form near the end of a star's life cycle?

No, a protostar is basically the BEGINNING of a star's life cycle.

What force causes protostars to form?

Gravitational force is what causes protostars to form. Gravity pulls together gas and dust in a molecular cloud, causing it to clump and collapse, eventually leading to the formation of a protostar.

What are the major steps of solar system formation in the correct order?

Collapse of a giant molecular cloud: Gravity causes a cloud of gas and dust to collapse under its own weight. Formation of a protostar: The collapsing cloud forms a protostar at its center due to increased pressure and temperature. Accretion disk formation: Surrounding material forms a disk around the protostar from which planets and other celestial bodies will eventually form. Planet formation: Dust particles in the disk collide and stick together, gradually forming planetesimals that will eventually accrete into planets.

Gravity pulls gas and dust into a sphere that becomes denser and hotter and a sunlike star begins to form?

This process is known as stellar formation. As gravity continues to compress the gas and dust, the core temperature increases until nuclear fusion ignites, producing energy and light. Once nuclear fusion begins, the object becomes a protostar, eventually evolving into a stable main-sequence star like the Sun.

Related questions

What is the correct life sequence of a star?

The correct life sequence of a star starts with a protostar, which forms from a dense cloud of gas and dust. The protostar then evolves into a main sequence star, where it fuses hydrogen atoms to form helium in its core. Depending on its mass, the star will either become a red giant or a supergiant before eventually shedding its outer layers to become a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole.

Another name for the interstellar matter that will eventually form a star is?

protostar or nebula

When does equilibrium occur in a protostar?

Equilibrium in a protostar occurs when the force of gravity pulling matter inward is balanced by the force of radiation or gas pressure pushing matter outward. This typically happens when a protostar reaches the main sequence phase of its evolution, where nuclear fusion in its core stabilizes the star's energy output.

Why is the time from protostar to black hole shorter than the time from protostar to white dwarf?

The mass of the progenitor star has to be massive to form a black hole and thus it will have a shorter time on the main sequence compared to a medium sized star.

What was the early form of the sun called?

Before becomming a main sequence star, our sun would have been a protostar. A protostar is where there is a large gathering of contracting gas. Matter falls into a central condensation, when the surrounding gas/dust envelope disperses and the accretion process stops, the star moves towards becoming a main sequence star.

What will a high mass protostar turn into?

A high mass protostar will eventually evolve into a massive star like a red supergiant, followed by a supernova explosion. After the supernova event, the remnants may form a neutron star or a black hole.

What happens to the surface temperature and luminosity when gravity first assembles a protostar from a collapsing cloud?

As gravity collapses the cloud to form a protostar, the temperature and luminosity both increase. The increase in temperature is due to the compression of material, causing the protostar to heat up as energy is released. The increase in luminosity is a result of the protostar radiating this energy.

What sequence best describes the formation and elevation of stars with masses similair to the sun?

Stars with masses similar to the sun form in giant molecular clouds through gravitational collapse of dense regions. As the star-forming cloud contracts, it heats up and a protostar forms at the center. Eventually, nuclear fusion ignites in the core, leading to a stable star like our sun.

What do nebulas form?

The nebula forms into a protostar.

Will a protostar form near the end of a star's life cycle?

No, a protostar is basically the BEGINNING of a star's life cycle.

How does a star start out to be a star?

Clouds of gas called Nebulae may become the foundation for stars to form. Forces of gravity will start to collect gas. When the atoms of mostly hydrogen start to fuse the star is called a protostar. Eventually the star will stop forming and enter the main sequence. This is the point where they are officially a star.

Why doesnt a protostar form a black hole?

The pressure within a protostar counters gravity and prevents the star from collapsing further.