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That all depends on which operation you're referring to: dairy or beef. In all operations, none of the calves are killed after they are born. Bull calves in dairy herds only are separated from their dams a day or two after birth and raised on the bottle until they're 3 months old. They're then put on a hot-ration diet to gain weight, then sold and slaughtered as veal calves. All dairy bull calves that are slaughtered as veal are NOT slaughtered as soon as they're born! They are slaughtered when they are around 5 to 6 months of age.

In beef herds, male calves get to stay on and with their mothers for 6 to 10 months before they are weaned. Depending on the operation, most of them are castrated when they are young, a couple weeks after they're born, or close to weaning. When they're castrated depends on the producer and when he/she feels it's best to have the calves cut or banded.

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Q: What happens to all the male calves after they are born?
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