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If the object's original density is less than water (sponge, for example) - the density will increase. If the object's original density is greater than that of water (though I cannot think of anything that fits that category that is porous enough to absorb water), the density will decrease.

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Q: What happens to an objects density when it obsorbs water?
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What does an objects density have to be in order to float in water?

The objects density has to be less than that of water (which is 1000kg/m3).

An object most likely sink in water if it has low density?

The lower an objects density the less likely it is to sink in water. Objects with a higher density than water will sink if placed in it while objects with a lower density than water will float if placed in it.

Which things float on water and which sinks into it?

Objects whose aggregate density is less than the density of water float in it. Objects whose aggregate density is greater than the density of water sink in it.

How do objects sink or float in water?

objects with higher density than water sink, ones with a lower density float

Objects float in water because water has an?

Objects that float in water have a lower density than water. -anonymous18_K

Why do objects sink when placed in water?

Only objects having a density higher than the density of a liquid sink.

Why objects float or sink when placed on surface of water?

Because of the comparative density. If the objects density is greater than water it will sink, if less then it will float.

What is the number that compares an objects density to the density of water?

That is the specific gravity of the substance.

Why the objects sink?

Objects sink when the density of the object is more than that of the water.

How does density tell you if an object will float pure water?

If an objects density is 1 or less, it will float on water

How are density and byonancy?

Buoyancy is a force is water that occurs in water in objects.

What objects float in water?

objects that are less dense float to the top.