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They can die if you don't treat them by putting wet mud from a spruce on the sting

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Q: What happens to babies if they get stung by a hornet?
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Can a hornet sting you?

Yes, i got stung bye three at the same time once.

What to do if you get stung by a bald faced hornet?

If you are stung by a bald-faced hornet apply ice and if pain is moderate to severe try medics that can ease the pain. If the sting is itchy try anti Itch cream if you are allergic get medical help as soon as possible

What happens ''TO THE BEES'' when they stung?

they die after they got stung

Can you knock down and destroy a giant hornet nest from a tree during winter?

Yes, it will be empty.

How many times can a hornet sting before the hornet dies?

A hornet can sting multiple times and not die. This is due to the fact that their stinger is not barbed like worker bees are. The exact number of stings is unknown.

What happens if you touch a sea anemone?

You could get stung.

Your dog stung by euroean hornet 3 wks ago still limping why?

your dog is probably allergic. You should contact a vet. =0 hurry lol

What happens if you get stung by a physalia?

Nothing, you just feel like you burnt yourself. I was stung by one when i was about 5 or 6 years old.

What happens when you get stung by a stingray?

you will have to get immediate attention from a doctor and go to a hospital.

What happens if you step on a jellyfish tentacle?

it will still sting you wen its dead

What Happens to a hornet after it stings someones leg?

Well, most of the time the bee/hornet/wasp leaves its stinger in your leg which leads to its slow and painful death. :)

What happens when an animal brushes against a tentacle of a stinging cell animal?

it gets stung