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the banana will get brwn all over.

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Q: What happens to bananas when you put them in the dark?
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Do bananas glow in the dark?

No they don't .

Why not put bananas in the fruit bowl?

For some reason, when bananas and other fruit (specifically apples) are settled together, the combination causes the bananas to ripen (and then OVER ripen) in a matter of a few hours. I am not sure why this is, just that it happens.

What happens when you put blue and green together?

I got a dark blue.

Can you put bananas in plastic bags to preserve them?

No, they do not, one of the best way to preserve the bananas (keep them yummier for longest!) is to keep them in a cool, dark cupboard, because the heat dries them out and makes them go brown and spotty, so if you want a nice, fresh banana, put it in a dark, cool cupboard!! I hope this idea helps your bananas stay healthy!!!!

When do you take the bag off bananas?

I don't put my bananas in bags. Bananas will ripen with out a bag.

Do dark spots on bananas help fight cancer?


What happens if you put an fish aquarium in a dark place for 7 days?

the living things will die

What is a sentence for bananas?

Bananas are technically berries. Not many people realise that.I like bananas a lot.He put sliced bananas into the fruit salad.

What happens to a bean seedling that has started growing then gets put in the dark?

A bean seedling kept in dark develops chlorosis and its leaves become yellow.

How do you dry bananas?

You put them in the microwave!

What monket eat?

They eat the bananas then you cut them open and put the bananas back into the peals.

What do monkets eat?

They eat the bananas then you cut them open and put the bananas back into the peals.