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Q: What happens to beaches when moving water is made to move faster?
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What happens when a substance is moving faster and spreading out?

its called water

Why does diffusion occur faster in hot water than in cold water?

This happens because the hotter a substance is, the faster its atoms or molecules are moving. They have more mobility and can get around faster.

Which erodes faster fast or slow moving water in a river?

Fast moving water will erode faster because it is more powerful than slow moving water.

How can you tell that the particles in a cup of water are moving slower or faster?

hot water has fast moving particles, and cold water has slow moving particles

What happens to rocks that are in moving water?

They are eroded by the water.

What causes sugar to dissolve faster in hot water than cold water?

hot water has faster moving particales than cold water

What can make water evaporate faster?

moving the air above it

Why does salt dissolve faster in hot water rather than cold?

In hot water the water molecules are moving at a faster rate than they move in cold water. The faster moving molecules hit the salt molecules with greater force and knock them away from the other salt molecules faster. That way the salt molecules dissolve in the water quicker.

What will happen to a drop of food coloring when added to a cup of heated water?

The food coloring will spread throughout the water and become homogeneous faster than it would in cold or warm water. The food coloring would also mix evenly with the water faster if you stirred the water after adding the food coloring. This happens because the molecules are moving faster when they are heated up stirred.

How does heating water make a train move?

the molecules are moving faster and the electrons are moving to higher levels

Who is better to dissolve in hot water or cold water?

hot water because the molecules are moving faster

Why should a cup with warm water spread food dye faster than ice water?

Molecules in warm water are moving faster than those in the colder water.