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Q: What happens to brown seaweed in hot water?
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What happens if the water is to hot?

when water is too hot then it evaporates

What happens when hot water meets cold water?

cold water is much heavier than hot water . the water becomes warm

How does hot and cold water separate?

that happens because cold water is heavier than hot water.

What happens when you add mercury to water?

The water will be really hot.

What are brown bits in my hot water?

This could be rust particles from your hot water tank. This is not healthy and you should have a plumber check this out.

What happens when you touch hot water?

If it`s too hot you could get burned.

How do you get rid of brown water in the bath?

The most usual cause for brown water in the bath is a growth of algae in your hot water tank; it could also be rust in the hot water tank. The simplest solution, although very expensive, is a new hot water tank. Personally, I would be willing to bathe in brownish water.

What happens to cold water on a hot day?

It evaporates. No matter if the water is cold, frozen, or even hot it evaporates.

What happens to the temperature of the hot water and the temperature of the cold water?

it makes warmth

What happens when mix equal amounts of hot and cold water?

you get warm water.

What happens when you soak a sprained ankle in hot water?

Your ankle will burn momentarily, you should use ice not water. especially not hot water

When cool water is added to warm water what happens?

heat transfer from hot water to cool water by touching then the velocity of hot water decrease or its temperature decrease.