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It is destroyed by the inflammation instigated by the immune system which mistakes it for an invader.

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It becomes worn away or worn down. It loses its smooth and shiny surface in appearance

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Q: What happens to the cartilage in rheumatoid arthritis?
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How does arthritis affect cartilage?

Cartilage being worn away is a major part of the symptoms of arthritis in the joints, However it is not the cause of arthritis. A lack of cartilage is a part of arthritis.

What kinds of arthritis puts holes in cartilage?

You are talking about rheumatoid arthritis here. which is an auto immune disease. That is the immune system mistakes cartilage for a foreign invader and rejects it destroying it in the process

What is imflamitory arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis. This disease is the result of the immune system mistakenly turning on its own body and destroying connective tissu such as cartilage. It can also affect many other parts of the body.

How does rheumatoid arthritis affected the systems?

rheumatoid arthritis is usually associated with the destruction of cartilage in the skeletal joints. However it is also responsible for many conditions where connective tissue is associated throughout the whole body.

Does rheumatoid arthritis come on suddenly?

In most cases, arthritis does not come on suddenly. Arthritis tends to be a progressive disease that slowly worsens over time. It can come on suddenly when it is related to an infection of the bone or cartilage.

Can you catch Rheumatoid Arthritis from eating after someone who has it?

No, Rheumatoid arthritis is not contagious.

Is rheumatoid arthritis caused by a bacteria?

No Rheumatoid arthritis is an Autoimmune disease. That is, because there is something wrong in the programing of imune system it attacs cartilage and other tissue. However it is theorised that sometimes an attack or flare up of the disease can be initiated by a bacterial infection.

Is inflammation a necessary symptom for arthritis?

No. Arthritis can cause or bring about a situation where inflammation happens In the case of osteoarthritis. in that case the arthritis happens before the inflammation, if there is inflammation.Osteoarthritis is a non inflammatory arthritis. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, the actual cause is the inflammation.

Can you get rheumatoid arthritis in your feet?

You certainly can, as I have discovered several times. According to my rheumatologist, I have a high pain threshold judging from the condition of the cartilage in my feet.

Am I at risk for rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is not a hereditary condition. While it is not passed down parents, certain genes that make you more susceptible to rheumatoid arthritis are.

What are synonyms of seropositive arthritis?

Seropositive Rheumatoid arthritis is RA in a person that has rheumatoid factor in the blood. As opposed to seronegative RA where there is no RF.Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that exhibits itself in a certain way when it is suspected that one has RA ones blood is tested for Rheumatoid factor (a particular antibody) if it is found to be elevated then one is said to have seropositive RA.

Is Milwaukee shoulder a form of rheumatoid arthritis?

No, Milwaukee shoulder is not a type of rheumatoid arthritis.