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They get burnt and break down.

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Q: What happens to electric motors when they are struck by lightning?
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What happens to particles when lightning strikes?

They get struck by lightning.

What happens when something is struck by lightning?

They die

What happens to the glass ball on a lightning rod if it gets struck by lightning?

The glass ball is for ornamental purposes only. Nothing happens to it when lightning strikes it.

What happens when you get almost struck by lightning?

You feel static in your hair.

Where did benjamin franklin get his idea for the lightning rod?

His kite-in-a-lightning-storm experiment, and most likely after witnessing what happens to buildings that are struck by lightning.

What happens before you get struck by lightning?

I'm not positive but when I was hiking and almost got struck, I heard clicking in my ears and a tingling sensation throughout my body and the hair on body started to stand up.... it kind of felt as if I was touching a weak electric fence.

What happens at slappy in night of the living dummy 3?

He dies by getting struck by lightning. :)P

Has ever occurred that a plane struck by lightning?

It happens all the time but it is very rarely noticed.

What is the real answer to What happens to a toad that gets struck by lightning?

"The same things that happens to everything else." ~ storm (Halle Berry)

How can the CN Tower be struck by lightning but rarely get damaged?

It has lightning arrestors, which provide a low resistance path to ground (electric current always takes the path of least resistance).

What happens when someone gets stroke by lighting?

They die ps you spelt struck wrong A person does not always die after being struck by lightning. There are many occasions where people have survived a lightning strike. You can always do a search on lightning strike survivors and you will see this is true.

What happens if you stay outside in bad weather?

You will get struck by lightning and sometimes get injured or die from the harsh storms