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Q: What happens to gravitational force and electric force as the distance between two charged objects decreases?
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What happens to the gravitational force between two objectes if the distance between them is increased?

the gravitational force between them decreases.

How does distance affect the gravitational force between to objects?

Distance decreases the gravitational force, F=k/r2.

How does increasing the distance between two objects affect the amount of gravity?

it decreases the gravitational force.

How does mass and distance the gravitational pull between objects?

More mass in the objects increases the strength of the mutual gravitationalforces between them, but more distance between them decreases it.

Why the gravitational force is a negative value?

Convention - movement that decreases the distance between bodies is deemed to be negative.

When gravity deceases what increases?

When the distance between the two bodies increases, the gravitational force attracting them decreases.

How does the force of gravity between two bodies change when the distance between them is increased by 4?

Provided neither mass changes, the mutual gravitational force of attraction betweentwo bodies decreases to 1/16 of its original value when the distance between theircenters increases to 4 times the original distance.

How does the electric force between two charged objects change when the distance between the objects decreases?

Less distance --> more force.

As the distance between two object decreases the gravitational force between them?

It increases proportional to the inverse square Fg=GMm/r2

The gravitational between two objects will increase if the?

The magnituide of the gravitational force between two objects will increase if -- the mass of one or both objects increases OR -- the distance between their centers-of-mass decreases.

What reduces gravitational force between objects?

Answer The Universal Law of Gravitation states the gravitational force between any two objects of mass can be calculated with the equation F=G*(m_1*m_2)/r^2. As a result, increasing the mass of one or both objects increases the gravitational force. Increasing the distance between the two objects decreases the gravitational force. Notice the distance between them is squared so if you keep the masses the same and double the distance between them the gravitational force will decrease by four times.

What happens to the force between charged and uncharged objects as the distance between them decreases?

there is an electric shock when the charge transfers