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Like in a gas when a solid gets hot the particles vibrate faster and harder. In a gas when the do this they need more room so the gas expands or the pressure goes up.

In a solid the particles are constrained in their movement by the bonds making the solid. Never the less the particles vibrate harder within these constraints and need more room. The solid will therefore expand slightly to accommodate. As the temp goes up further the atoms of the solid will begin to hit one another causing their electrons to jump to higher shells. When these fall back to their proper place they emit a photon. Thus solid will begin to radiate energy.

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Q: What happens to heated particles inside of a solid?
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Thermal expansion occured.

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if they are heated then they turn to a liquid, if that are a soled well they are hard like ice

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Evaporation occurs, it becomes solid inside

What happens when solides are heated?

When a solid is heated the particles vibrate more and they break free of the mold they are in. This makes the solid a liquid. if you continue to heat it, the vibrations will get stronger and the particles will start to evaporate. When the particles evaporate, then it would be a gas.

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the particle will vibrate more slowly around its position.

What are the three things that occur when particles of a solid are heated until it melts?

The bonds between solid particles are weakened.

What happens to the particles in a heated solid?

Well what happens to particles in a solid is they slowly vibrate and get further and further apart until they turn into a gas. I had exactly the same question for my homework Thank youNo. your saying that if you put say a pan on a stove it will suddenly turn into a gas?? don't think so pal!The real answer is the particles in a solid vibrate faster when heated this is why metal expands when heated, to accommodate for all of the moving particlesBut if you do heat it up enough, for certain materials, the particles will separate and turn into a gas, or in some cases turn into a liquid.

What do particles in a solid do when heated?

They vibrate. And if heated enough, most connections will be broken and the object will be melted.

What happens when solid is heated?

Melts into a liquid.

What happens to the size of solid if you heated it?

it expands

When ice melts the particles of ice changes into other types of particles?

When a solid is heated its particles melts and change into liquid