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The magma inside a volcano will ooz out running down the sides. Eventualy the lava will harden into ignous rock.

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2mo ago

When lava hits the Earth's surface, it cools and solidifies, forming igneous rock. The speed of cooling determines the texture of the rock - quick cooling creates fine-grained rock, while slow cooling leads to coarse-grained rock. Over time, these rocks can be weathered and eroded to form new sediment or metamorphosed under heat and pressure.

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Q: What happens to lava when it hits earth's surface?
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Where is the lava on the volcano map?

If You Refer To Where It Is, Lava Is Magma Once It Hits Earths Surface.

What term refers to magma at the earths surface?

Lava is the term used to refer to magma that reaches the Earth's surface.

Magma that reaches the earths surface?

Magma that reaches earth's surface is called lava.

Magna that flows onto earths surface is called?

Magma that flows onto Earth's surface is called lava.

What can erupt to bring a lava flow to earths surface?


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Where is the lava on the volcano map?

If You Refer To Where It Is, Lava Is Magma Once It Hits Earths Surface.

What term refers to magma at the earths surface?

Lava is the term used to refer to magma that reaches the Earth's surface.

How does lava effect the surface?

lava effects the earths surface by destroying it and building it up

Magma that reaches the earths surface?

Magma that reaches earth's surface is called lava.

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What term describes magma that flows out onto earths surface?

Lava ;D

Magna that flows onto earths surface is called?

Magma that flows onto Earth's surface is called lava.

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