

Best Answer

"Light that interacts with matter is reflected, transmitted or absorbed, and all combinations of these interactions are possible."

The above was a previous answer that didnt actually answer the question at all. This person simply stated the different types of interactions that are possible between light and matter, not what happens when light is absorbed by matter.

When light is absorbed by matter, it turns into heat energy. This is why black objects that are in the sun are oftern hot, because darker colors ABSORB more light than lighter ones. Most people have experienced hot pavement in summer, if you ever noticed parts of the pavement that are painted white (Basketball courts, etc.) or yellow (roads) are cooler than the black parts. This is part of the reason why places like NYC are unbearably hot in the summer.

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Q: What happens to light that is absorbed by matter?
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What happens to light when it is reflected refracted transmitted and absorbed by matter.?

The last person who wrote this answer was a nimrod and a moron. Okay, so the answer to your question is that light is interacting with the object and/or matter by scattering and bouncing off of it/them.

When light hits an object some of the light is absorbed by what?

When light hits an object, some of the light is absorbed by the electrons in the material. The absorbed energy can cause the electrons to move to a higher energy state, leading to absorption of specific wavelengths of light depending on the material's properties.

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The release of light energy by particles of matter that have absorbed energy is known as fluorescence. This phenomenon occurs when the absorbed energy is re-emitted as light instead of being dissipated as heat.

When the energy in light waves transfers to matter?

Then the light is said to be ABSORBED.

How does light heat up things?

Light transfers its energy to an object by being absorbed and converted into heat. When light waves strike an object, the energy is converted into thermal energy, causing the object's molecules to vibrate and generate heat. The more light energy absorbed by an object, the hotter it becomes.

Explain what happens to light when it is reflected refracted transmitted and absorbed by matter?

When light hits matter, it can be reflected, meaning it bounces off the surface. Refraction occurs when light passes through matter and changes direction due to a change in speed. If light passes through matter without being absorbed, it is transmitted. However, if the material absorbs light, the energy is converted to heat.

What are three ways light interacts with matter?

three diffrent ways liht interacts with matter is absorbed, reflected, transmitted and refracted. =)