

What happens to monkeys bones when they die?

Updated: 3/24/2020
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what happens to the monkeys when they die in the rainforest

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Q: What happens to monkeys bones when they die?
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Animals that become extict have fossils or bones left from when they die.

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When you die, your bones, organs, skin, etc. will all be the same age as the entire body or entire person was at the moment before death. So if you are 64 years old, your bones are also 64 years old.

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Monkeys can do anything they want or go anywhere, but when the monkeys will die, They won't go to heaven or hell, instead animals have no souls.

How do monkeys have an impact on humans?

We evolved from monkeys the only difference is that their bones are much larger and theyre way hairier than us

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The bones don't care ... but the cells embedded in them would die ... BUT by that time the tissues around the bone would be long dead.

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no they do not die

What happens if you fall down Mount Everest?

Because of the height of Mount Everest, if you fall or slip, you will probably die.

When does life end for monkeys?

when they die