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Q: What happens to nutrients during the process of digestion absorption and excretion?
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What happens to digested food after absorption?

Food is digested in the stomach, and this digestion continues to some degree in the small intestine. But it is largely in the small intestine that the nutrients are absorbed from the stream of digested materials. Anything not absorbed continues on to the large intestine for water extraction and further on to excrement.

Where does food leave the digestive system and into the circulatory system?

digestive system throw the waste and dirt from the body and nutrients enters the circulatory system through capillaries.

What happens to nutrients in the esophagus?

Nutrients are neither changed nor absorbed in the esophagus. No digestion occurs in this tube that connects the mouth and stomach.

What happens to a sandwich when you eat it relative to events occurring in ingestion digestion absorption and elimination?

Well...It goes down the toilet.

Digestion happens in these what are they?

digestion happens in these

Is digested food absorbed through the wall of the gut to the stomach?

Some absorption also happens there however, most of the absorption of nutrients happens in the small intestines with the help of the many enzymes to break down the food that is digested by the stomach.

What is Outline the basic principles of digestion and absorption?

Outline the basic principles of digestion and absorption?Digestion happens in the stomach ,gastric juices and hydrochloric acid are produced to break down food. The food is breaken in to managable size. Then the food and enzymes moves into the small intestine after five hours in the stomach.Absorption of substances takes place in different parts of the alimentary canal, like mouth, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. However, maximum absorption occurs in the small intestine It is the process by which the end products of digestion pass through the intestinal mucosa into the blood or lymph.all nutrients are absorbed via the intestine wall. Fatty acids and glycerol being insoluble, cannot be absorbed into the blood.

What happens to the alcohol in the large intestines?

The small intestine is the organ where most nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream, so when alcohol has reached the small intestine, it can cause interference with the absorption and breaking-down of the nutrients.

What occurs in the stomach although it is responsible for very little digestion?

Although the stomach is responsible for digestion, very little absorption happens in it. Instead, the stomach is more like a washing machine; it agitates foodstuffs. It stirs up ground up food (mechanical digestion from teeth / gums occurs in the mouth), with stomach acids in the stomach and bile salts from the gallbladder assisting in chemical digestion.

What happens if there is a deficiency in digestive enzymes?

Deficiency in digestive enzymes causes slow and incomplete digestion of larger nutrients, thus reducing the availability of micronutrients to the body and resulting in a nutritional deficit.

Where is the first site of absorption of nutrients into your blood stream?

Essentially absorption begins as soon as the food enters the mouth, through the use of amylase which is present in the saliva. However, the main function of the mouth and stomach is both mechanical and chemical digestion, and so the major site of nutrient absorption is in the small intestine. The small intestine is highly adapted to maximize the nutrients in the blood stream; it has a massive surface area which is increased by two factors: 1. the presence of villi, which are small finger-like projections into the lumen of the small intestine, and 2. the presence of microvilli, which looks like a brush boarder along the cells of the small intestine. The duodenum actually doesn't contribute that much to digestion, but rather digestion, through the secretions coming from the pancreas and bile duct through the major and minor duodenal papillae. Finally, nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream through the portal circulation, formed by the union of the splenic and greater mesenteric veins.