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Q: What happens to organisms when they have access to more than enough resources?
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Why do all organisms face a struggle to survive when natural resources are limited?

Living beings need a certain amount of resources to live. If resources are limited then organisms must struggle against others to get enough resources to keep living.

What is caryying capacity?

The amount of organisms that can live in an area with enough resources to go around.

What happens if cells become to confluent?

They do not have enough space or access to nutrients and can die.

Why cant population of bacteria or any other biological organism keep increasing exponentially forever?

Organisms start to compete for resources.

Why do you need to protect your species of organisms?

because if not resources can die of non water if animals dont have enough then we have nothing we need

What happens to abiotic factors when biotic populations increase?

There will always be enough abiotic resources in an ecosystem.

What happens to organisms at the end of the food chain if they can't get enough food to supply their energy needs?

they die

What were the dangers of the crusades?

hunger, dangerous water(mediteranian sea), not enough access to resources(water etc.), hypothermia

What is the carrying capacity of people living on earth?

A population's carrying capacity is the amount of organisms a certain environment can sustain. If the number of organisms exceeds carrying capacity the resources in the environment will be depleted resulting in a carrying capacity drop followed by a drop in the population of organisms.

What happens when resources are scarce?

Human resources refers to the employees of an organization. Without enough workers, many of the functions of a business can't be completed, and profits may decrease significantly.

When does exponential growth of population stop?

Exponential growth may occur in environments where there are few individuals and plentiful resources but when the number of individuals become large enough resources will be depleted slowing the growth in exponential growth.