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The sperm is reabsorbed by the body, but there may be discomfort in the testicles of some males.

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Q: What happens to semen if man abstain from sex?
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Sterile man get a woman pregnant?

Not with his own semen. Though if he came into contact with another man's semen (having sex with another man or even a woman who recently had sex), then the "foreign" semen could impregnate the woman.

If a man is sick is his semen sick?

It can be. An unhealthy man may sometimes have unhealthy semen. If a man has an STD, it can be spread through his semen. Of course, if you are having sex with a man, and you are the least bit uncertain of his health or whether he is carrying something, then make sure you use a condom if you have sex at all.

How long can a man who has been sexually active abstain from sex?

For as long as he wish. Medically there's no problem.

Can you give me a sentence with the word abstain in it?

It is extremely difficult for me to abstain from sex.

How do have a baby?

first they have sex, then the man's semen fertilizes the woman's egg, if the egg implants itself on the uterus wall, she is then pregnant. 9 months go by while magic happens, then a baby pops out

Is it harmful to swalow the sperm of man by women after sex?

No. Semen actually has about 50 grams of protein in it!

What is a sentence using the word abstain?

The couple agreed to abstain from having sex until they are married.

What is being done to prevent AIDS?

Abstain from sex or at least have protected sex, do not share needles, and follow rules for bloodborne pathogens. The virus can be transmitted through blood and semen or vaginal secretions. It cannot be transmitted through kissing unless you have a sore in your mouth.

You're a man and when you defecate you see what appears to be semen in your feces can this be the result of constant masturbation and or constipation or is it something else and can it be serious?

Have you had anal sex with another man who ejaculated inside you? That could be the source of the semen you are seeing. However, if you have not had anal sex, then what you are seeing is not semen and could be indicative of a problem, so best go see your doctor ASAP.

All the semen gets drained out of the vagina of your wife after sex is it abnormal?

That's what happens... it dribbles out in more cases than not.

If semen is on the tip of a man's penis once sex is over Is there any chance of pregnancy?

No, men do not have ovaries. they cannot reproduce on their own. But if any man keeps the sperm on their tip after sex, they should probably take a shower.

Why does your semen flow out of your pregnant wife so fast?

Because it has nowhere else to go. It's just the semen, the transporter fluid. The sperms are still swimming towards the uterus. This is what happens every time after sex.