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Q: What happens to sound wave energy if it triggers hearing receptors in the cochlea?
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Where are the hearing receptors located?


Where are specialized hearing receptors found?

In the cochlea

The structure that actually contains the hearing receptors is?

The cochlea

The sensory receptors for hearing are located in the of the ear.?


What is the fluid- filled tunnel that contains the receptors for hearing?

The Cochlea

Receptors for hearing are located in the?

the grasshoppers ears are located next to their eyes

What is the structure composing the internal ear?

The semicircular canals, the vestibule, and the cochlea, which are subdivisions of the bony labyrinth. Semicircular canals and the vestibule contain receptors for equilibrium and the cochlea contains receptors for hearing.

What part of the ear contains the sensory receptors for hearing and balance?

In the mammalian ear the sensory receptors (hair cells) for hearing are in the cochlea and for ballance are in the semicircular canals. Both the cochlea and semicircular canals are part of the inner ear.inner

Function of the cochlea?


Where are the sensory receptors of the semicircular canals located?

Both of these are in the ear. The semi-circular canals help you to balance and the cochlea transmits nerve signals to the brain. This is how you hear. The inner ear is subdivided into the vestibule, semicircular canals, and cochlea. The semicircular canals and cochlea are separate structures with different functions. The receptors for balance are in the semicircular canals, and the organ of Corti (the organ of hearing) is in the cochlea.

What is cochlea damage?

The cochlea is the main hearing-related organ of the inner ear. When it is damaged, permanent hearing loss is the result. Tiny "hair cells" on the cochlea are responsible for sensing specific sounds, and cochlea damage is caused by the bending and/or breaking of these "hair cells."

Does damage to the cochlea cause hearing loss?

A common cause of hearing loss is damage to the hair cells within the cochlea