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Q: What happens to the balls velocity while the ball is up vertically in the air?
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When tossing a coin upwards what happens to its velocity while ascending what happens to its acceleration?

Its velocity decreases because gravity is pulling on it as it goes up. Its acceleration increases.

A boy catches a ball while standing on roller skates What happens to the boy's velocity and the ball's velocity?

The ball's velocity changes to 0m/s and the boy's stays the same.

What is terminal velocity and what causes it?

Terminal velocity is an object's maximum speed while falling through the air, and it happens when the force created by air resistance is equal to the force of gravity.

What happens to a car's velocity when you double its velocity?

If you double a car's velocity, its velocity will also double. This means that the car will be moving twice as fast as it was previously.

What happens to the momentum of an object traveling with a certain velocity if a load is added to it while in motion?

The momentum of an object traveling with a certain velocity will increase if a load is added to it while in motion. This is because momentum is directly proportional to both mass and velocity, so adding mass will result in an increase in momentum as long as the velocity remains constant.

Result of the combination of an objects forward inertia and the downward pull of gravity on the object?

If there is no forces acting, it will continue horizontally at constant velocity, while uniformly accelerating vertically down , the effect of this would trace a parabolic curve

Two stones of unequal masses are thrown vertically up with the same velocity . what will happened?

They will fall back down after a while. Assuming that air resistance is insignificant, they will take the same time to go up and back down again.

Differentiate speed and velocity?

speed is the distance traveled per unit time, and it is the rate at which something happens; "the project advanced with gratifying speed". While velocity is the rate of speed with which something happens; rapidity of action or reaction.Additional answerI don't understand any of the above. Speed is the rate that something moves, but without a particular direction. Velocity is the speed in a particular direction. Velocity is a scientific quantity, really. You probably wouldn't make this distinction in eveyday life.

What happens to the wavelength of a wave that slows down while retaining its original frequency?

As the basic formula of all types of waves is (Velocity of a wave=the product of the wavelength of it and its frequency). In this case, frequency of a certain wave is constant and the velocity is decreasing. And as the velocity is directly proportional to the wavelength, the wavelength of the wave shortens as a result.

Are speed and velocity different?

SPEED has the speed only; while VELOCITY has the direction and the speed.

How does velocity differ from acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity.

Why does your car stalls while accelaration?

the rate at which velocity changes velocity=speed in a given direction