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Q: What happens to the body when someone has arthritisscoliosis and osteoporosis?
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What body region is osteoporosis found in?

osteoporosis is usually found in your spine

What in the body is affected by osteoporosis?


What disease is caused by the loss of bone calcium?

Calcium does much for the body, but the common answer for that is osteoporosis

Name the calcium deficiency disease that afflicts millions of adults in the US?

Osteoporosis. It happens when the body takes the calcium it needs from the bones. Making them weaker. Usually happens to older men and women

What body system are affected by osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is basically a severe loss of bone density.

What happens if you don't have calcium?

If you have a shortage of dietary calcium: While you are growing your bones will not form properly; After you are adult your body will start using calcium from your bones and you will suffer form osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is located where in the body?

In the Joints, especially knees and hips.

Which human part of body is linked in osteoporosis?

skeletal system

What happens 10 minutes after you die to your body?

Ask someone who experienced it.

What are light skin and thin body habitus at risk for?

They are at risk for Osteoporosis.

What does osteoporosis effect?

Osteoporosis affects the density of the bones in the body. It causes the bones to become less dense and thus weaker and more prone to breaking.

How calcium help against osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone. With osteoporosis, bones may become brittle and fragile. This is due to a loss of bone density. Calicum supplements are important for individuals who have osteoporosis because they help build and strengthen bone.