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First level is the plants, they capture energy from the sun and trap it in their molecules, sugar, etc. Second trophic level probably has to eat lots of plants just to put a little meat on their bones, so energy is being transferred, and eventually moves "up" only because the food chain is often looked at as a pyramid.

Biomass pyramids are another way to describe this (or almost same) phenomenon.

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It is being transferred to the next living thing in the food web or chain.

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Q: What happens to the energy going up the food web?
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What happens to energy as you move from step to step in a food chain or web?

It decreases.

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The energy is reduced in such a way that only 10% is passed to each level.

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The arrow in a food chain points to where the energy is going.

What happens to the energy as you move from step to step in a chain or web?

what happens is that the energy that was to start with will be broken and half of that will go to continue the cycle because the energy that does not move on is being used by the producer, consumer or scavenger depending on which stage of the food chain or web it is on.

How is energy transferred from one living things to another?

there are many diffrent ways that energy can be transfered from one thing to another. but when i thisk of this topic, i think of a food chain or a food web. in a food chain or food web, it shows where the energy is going, therefore, shows who is getting eaten by what.

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Food energy, which is a type of chemical energy.

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Matter and total energy are ALWAYS conserved. However, in a food web, you will often consider the USABLE energy; this gets reduced at each step of the food web.

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their webs