

What happens to the energy the sun gives of?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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it finds its way into the earth.....

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Q: What happens to the energy the sun gives of?
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How energy from the sun reaches the sun?

the sun gives off energy

What does the sun's energy supply the earth with?

the energy the sun gives us is called solar energy.

What happens to energy in an ecosystem?

The energy in an ecosystem is used by the organisms in that ecosystem. In the case of the sun as energy, nothing happens because the sun always supplies energy.

What kind of energy is sun?

The sun gives off heat, light, and radiation energy

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the sun stupid because the sun gives of light and feeds the plants and then the plant gets eaten and then you should know what happens after tha

Why is the sun considered the sun of energy?

Because it gives light.

What type of energy gives the sun its energy?

gravity x

The sun gives off what type of energy?

Elastic Energy

What are some food lines?

Some food lines are: sun gives energy to the grass which gives energy to cows who gives energy to humans

What gives energy to the sun?

The sun gives energy to producers for their food, water for de' water cycle, and energy (Vitamin D) fir our skin. It also gives energy to animals, but if you want to know what type of energy it really depends on the animal.

What gives sun its energy?

nuclear fission

What process gives animals energy?

the sun.....