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A person cannot survive for such a long period without water. Even in cold climate. Daily 500 ml of urine out put has to be there. As well as loss of water in lungs air exhaled. Making him dehydrated, he will die of shock and kidney failure.

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Q: What happens to the human body after 200 hours without water?
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How long can a human live without water How long can human live without food?

You can live 3 minutes without air, After 3 days, you need water and you can make it 3 weeks without food. But some people have survived 8 to 10 days without water. As for medicines, it all depends on the medicines.

Why human can swim without swell and burst?

because they saved or store up more breathe as they swim in the water.

What is the role of water in human body?

The living human body requires hundreds of chemical reactions to be going on all the time. Water is the solvent needed to allow those reactions to proceed. no water = no biochemistry = no life

What is the amount of water in the human body?

the amount of water in the human body is about 70% . the human body is more than half full with water.why? well because if we so not have enough water in our body, we will dehydrate, which causes us to: lose breath, feel weak,and other symptoms. water is the main source of survival for us, and most other living organisms. next would be food, but still water is needed more than food. Did You Know? you would be able to go longer without food than without water?? you could go about a week without food, but you would hardly be able to last 3 days without water 6th grade student.resident of mighigan

Human Life expectancy without food and water?

The life expectancy of a human who has no food or water will depend on their age at the time. A human can live as long as 7 to 10 days without water and up to three weeks without food.My brother is in a hospice and he can't eat are drink water because he is unconscious. I want to know how long he can live.Now this matters with cost of living.If you can make tripping health bottles (glucose) into your brother's body, the problem in it decreases.Several days without water, 2-3 weeks without foodA person can survive at most for a week without water. It is possible to survive for a month or longer without food (fat people will survive longer than thin people, without food).Thirst would kill before hunger would, and the most a person could go without water would be three days (unless you were in the desert, in which case, you could die of dehydration in mere hours).In moderate temperatures, and with very little exercise, a person can survive an average of 3-5days without water.You can live without food for a lot longer - you begin to "starve" after 3 days - when your body begins to produce ketone bodies. Although it will differ depending on fat stores, an average person can survive for about 3 weeks without food.An average person can live for 4 to 6 weeks without food. The body cannibalizes the fat reserves and finally consumes it's own muscle tissue. Without water, a person would last less than a week.4 to 7 days. But if you drink your own urine it possible to survive up to 14 daysabout 3-7 days with out water and up to 4 weeks without food, and it would also depend on your weight, temperature and how active you are, also how healthy you are, and how much your body sweats and gives out waste.3 days without water, 14 days without food.without food for two weeks, provided the person has water.

Related questions

How long can you survive in Antarctica without water?

No human can remain viable anywhere on earth after about three days with no water. Unprepared, in Antarctica you can freeze to death within a few hours, with or without water.

What happens whey you go a long time without water?

Dehydration- lack of water in your body. you die, the human body can go only a short time without Aqua vida you will die after 2 week without water You get thirsty

How long can a human survive on just water?

A human can go up to a month without food. The body cannot go very long without water. A human can only live up to a week without water.

How many hours can you survive without water?

you can survive 168 hours without water, aka: 7 days

What can you live three hours without?

You can live three hours without water and food

Can a human live without water?

A human can live for up to about three days without taking in any more water.

Human beings can survive without fresh water?

yes human being can't survive without fresh water

How long can leeches go without water?

never human does not without water

How long can a human survive without being deprived without fresh water?

A human can only survive 1 week without water, and 2 weeks without food

Is it normal for hamsters to play on the spinning wheel for hours without water?

No, not without water.

How can a human survive without water?

We cannot survive without water for three day

Can human live without water?

a human can live without water for about 3-4 days, any thing after 5 is risky, but you cant live without water for 1 week or more