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The body would boil, and would float away and never stop moving...according to newtons laws of physics! Also due to lack of oxygen you,would die

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Q: What happens to the human body when it is exposed to the air in outer space?
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Yuri Gagarin was the first human to travel in outer space on April 12th, 1961

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In theory, it can't. Astronomers consider time and space to be different sides of the same function - they call it "timespace". As long as time continues, space will continue to expand.

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When you go outside in outer space, you are unable to breathe. You would most likely pass out and your blood would then boil and finally freeze because of the vacuum of space.

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Why was a chimpanzee sent into space in 1961?

To see if it was safe for a human to travel into safe. If the monkey made it, a human might survive space travel. If the ape died, then it was not safe for a human to go into space. The chimp lived, so human beings were sent into outer space.

Is there life in outer-space?

It is impossible to know at our stage of development. Humans today can only see a small part of space. Maybe one day human or robots can adventure into space and possible find life in outer space.