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some of the land is taken up and spun in the vortex while other parts are just left but with minor damage such as holes and cracks. in one instance a rice field lost every single crop on land.

submitted by Dursley!

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Q: What happens to the land in a tornado?
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What happens when a water spout tornado goes on land?

Fair weather (non tornadic) waterspouts usually dissipate once they hit land. A tornadic waterspout just continues on land as a regular tornado.

What effect does a tornado pattern have on land and people in it's path?

People die in tornado's and when a tornado is on land it changes colour.

What do you call a tornado that occurs on land?

It is simply a tornado. Most tornadoes occur on land.

What is the name of a tornado that occurs on land?

A tornado. Tornadoes usually occur on land anyway.

What happens to living and non living things if a tornado happens?

The area in which the tornado happens can erode the area away cause the animals that lived there to have no home or die of the tornado

How much land is destroyed in a tornado?

Depends how large or small the Tornado is.

What happens outside a tornado?

Outside a tornado air gets pull inward rapidly.

Will a tornado hit land?

Yes. It is not officially counted as a tornado unless it touches the ground.

What is a tornado that doesn't occur on land?

A tornado that doesn't reach all the way down is a funnel cloud. A tornado on water is a waterspout.

What a tornado looks like?

A waterspout it a tornado that forms on a body of water. It looks like a land formed tornado but on a smaller scale.

What happens if your family dies in a tornado?

they die


The tornado