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Lithosphere is neither destroyed nor created.

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Q: What happens to the lithosphere at transform plate boundaries?
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What happens to lithosphere at transform plate boundaries?

Lithosphere is neither destroyed nor created.

What happens to plates at a transform plate boundary?

At transform plate boundaries, two plates slide past each other horizontally. This motion can cause earthquakes as stress builds up and is released along the boundary. While no crust is created or destroyed at a transform boundary, the movement can result in offset features like faults.

What kinds of tectonic plates are there?

There are two kinds of plates- continental lithosphere and oceanic lithosphere. There are many types of plate boundaries, like convergent, divergent, transform, and more. Continental lithosphere is granite and oceanic is basalt.

What types of plate boundaries are There?

There are divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.

What is the meaning of plate boundry?

Plate boundaries, essentially, are the areas where two lithospheric plates meet. When this happens, one of three things can happen. Plates can move apart from each other, creating divergent boundaries. Plates can collide together, created convergent boundaries. Or plates can rub against each other in a parallel motion, created transform fault boundaries. Divergent boundaries, usually between two oceanic plates, creates an upswelling of magma from the lithosphere. Convergent boundaries, usually between oceanic and continental plates, causes the oceanic plate to subduct underneath the continental plate, leading to the destruction of seafloor. Transform fault boundaries neither destroy nor create lithosphere.

What is the relationship between the earthquake and the plate boundaries?

Earthquakes are very common along transform boundaries. An example of a transform boundary is the San Andreas fault in California.

What types of boundaries are there?

There are divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.

What are the four plate boundaries?

The four types of plate boundaries are divergent boundaries (plates moving apart), convergent boundaries (plates moving together), transform boundaries (plates sliding past each other), and subduction zones (one plate sinking beneath another).

What are the tree types of plate boundaries?

Plate boundaries are places where two tectonic plates meet. There are three major types of plate boundaries. These are divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.

How do plates move at transform plate boundaries?

At transform boundaries, the plates move horizontal in relation to each other.

What type of movement occurs at plate boundaries?

Convergent,Divergent, and Transform Boundaries

Is a transform fault boundary?

A transform fault boundary is a conservative plate boundary. This is what gets rid of lithosphere.