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Energy is never lost, it is transformed into different types or transferred into different systems. Some of this is useful energy, for example thermal energy used to power a turbine or generator. Some of this thermal energy is not useful, and instead just heats up the fuel container or components of the generator. This energy has still come from the fossil fuel being burned, but it has not been transferred into the system for generating electricity.

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Q: What happens to the lost energy when fossil fuel is used to generate electricity?
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Which fossil fuel is used to generate electricity?

All fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are used to generate electricity.

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I think the most common way to generate electricity is from fossil fuels like coal and gas. Another way to get electricity is from hydroelectricity. Wind energy is the third most common energy resource.

How does fossil fuels generate electrical energy energy transfer diagram?

Well, fossil fuels are burned which heat boilers, this creates steam which spins turbinescreating electricity.

How are fossil fuels used to generate energy?

Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are burnt in vehicles and electricity power plants. This releases the energy.

What are the alternate ways to generate electricity instead of fossil fuels?

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What are some disadvantages of wind energy source?

wind is not friendly to the environment ,as fossil fuels are not burnt to generate electricity.

What produce or makes electricity is to it?


Can fossil fuels be burned to produce thermal energy that can boil water and produce steam?

Yes, that is how they are used to generate electricity.

How are fossil fuels used in a power station to generate energy?

fossil fuels are burned to create steam which turns these huge turbines which produces electricity hope this helped it is also a form of energy