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When any object with mass moves, no matter at what speed, its mass

increases. The faster it moves, the faster its mass increases. And the

closer to the speed of light it moves, the closer to infinity its mass grows.

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Q: What happens to the mass of a particle as the particle approacches the speed of light?
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What happens hen you heat a particle up so fast it travels at the speed of light?

No particle can reach the speed of light. Mass increases with speed, and the particle would become infinitely massive as it came closer to the speed of light.

Is it possible to get more speed then light to the particle with accelerator?

No. The more energy the accelerator can give the particle, the closer the particle can approach to the speed of light, but it can never reach exactly that speed.

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A non-relativistic particle is any particle not traveling at a speed close to the speed of light. This is not a property of particular type of particle; any particle may in general travel at any speed (below the speed of light). An exception are particles which are massless such as photons and gluons, these MUST travel at the speed of light.

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The particle speed increases.The energy increases; the speed increases.

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Photons begin their existence travelling at the speed of light, they do not "acquire" this speed.

Do the electrons move the speed of the light?

No, because the orbital is really just an abraction - the electron isn't racing around the orbital like a racecar, so there isn't a speed. The orbital is a better measure of the electrons potential energy.

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Well, if it is a particle of light (a photon) it takes about a second and a half. If it is any other particle, one that does not move at the speed of light, then you have to define a speed for it.

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How photon differ from an inertial particle?

In a vacuum, a photon can ONLY move at the speed of light. A regular particle can ONLY move at speeds less than the speed of light.

What happens when you heat a particle up so fast it travels at the speed of light?

When you heat up a particle up so fast it travels at the speed of light, you have moved to a different universe because that is impossible in this universe. The wormhole you went through was strictly one way. You can not come back. Bye.

What travels at light speed besides engines?

Engines cannot travel at light speed. The only thing that can travel at this speed is the Photon, the particle of light.

What happens to an object when it moves at the speed of light?

when the particle moves with the speed of light,the mass of the particle increases to infinity.... this is as per Einstein's theory of relativity....n its true.... some people say the mass decreases to zero when the particle travels with the speed of light....they are "INSANE"