

What happens to the ocean floor when it hits land?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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dont know because never been in a tsunami

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Q: What happens to the ocean floor when it hits land?
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the ocean floor starts to break up just like the land does .

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it changes directions

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new land forms

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The ocean's surface

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Because, the land is where the ground meets the sky ,and the ocean floor is where the ground meets the water.

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Dry land

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I think their is an earthquake in the ocean and it roles up into a huge wave and when it approches land it is as biggest as it can get and boom it hits the land

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Intertidal zone, coastal ocean, and open ocean.

What ocean zones based on the distance from the land and the depth of the ocean floor are the?

Intertidal zone, coastal ocean, and open ocean.

How do scientists study the ocean?

They send underwater submarines to study the ocean floor.

A mountain chain on the ocean floor?

The mid-ocean ridge. The longest in the world, in the sea and on land.