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If they are in a restricted space such as a pop can. The molecules begin bouncing off the wall. This in turn is creating heat and pressure energy. If the heat or pressure become to unstable the can simply explode. This is due to the fact of the limited room the molecules or particles can go.

Now if the substance is non aqueous (without water, solid or powder) if you heat it to a certain point you could change the chemical structure of the chemical.

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Q: What happens to the particles of a substance when energy is added to it?
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What happens to particles inside of a solid liquid or gas when energy is added compared to when energy is removed?

When energy is added the particles inside the substance vibrate more. Conversely, the vibrate less when energy is removed.

What happens to the particles of matter when thermal energy is added to it?

When thermal energy is added to particles of matter, it causes the particles to move faster and emit more energy.

What happens when energy is taken away from matter?

The substance's particals will start slowing down and come closer together. As kinetic energy is removed from a substance, it will do the opposite as when kinetic energy is added to a substance.

When energy is added to molecules what happens to the substance?

they spread apart and move faster when energy is added.

What happens is energy is taken away from matter?

When thermal energy is taken away from matter particles move more slowly. When thermal energy is added to matter particles move faster.

As heat energy is added to a liquid do the particles increase or decrease in movement?

As heat energy is supplied to a liquid, its temperature rises. The rise of temperature causes a rise in the kinetic energy of the particles; which happens when the speed of the particles increases.

Heat is what in motion?

As energy is added to a substance, the particles that make up the substance vibrate faster. This is what causes substances to change state (solid to liquid to gas). As the particles move faster, the structure changes.

The particles of a substance will move faster if what is added on to them?

If heat is added to it.

What happens if energy is added or removed from a glass of ice water?

for a liquid to freeze , the attraction between the particles must overcome the motion of the particles.

What is a measure of the energy of motion of the particles in a substance?

Particle motion increases as energy (like heat) is added. The motion slows as energy leaves. Temperature is a measure of this change in particle motion.

What happens to temperature as energy is added to a substance that is changing state?

The temperature remain constant during the phase changing.

As sample of matter is heated it's particles do what?

As the individual atoms are warmed up, they move faster causing the substance to expand slightly. As a substance has energy added to it through heating, its Kinetic Energy becomes greater. Kinetic energy is the energy of Motion - the more the kinetic energy of the atoms of a substance means the faster the speed of motion of these same atoms.