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It forms a hole but new crust is formed.

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Q: What happens to the space between plates as some plates move apart?
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What trenches cause?

The thing that causes oceanic trenches would be two ocean plates pulling apart. This would leave a space in between the plates that is the trench.

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When space objects move farther apart what happens to the gravity between them?

Theoreticly, it gets weaker.

What happen as some plates move apart?

New oceanic plates/crust are created in the space of separation.

Where is seafloor being created?

The mid-atlantic Ridge. There, two tectonic plates are pulling apart, and magma from the mantle rises to the space between these two plates. This magma is cooled instantly, becoming a new ocean floor.

What happens to magma divergent boundaries?

At divergent boundaries, two plates move apart from each other and the space that this creates is filled with new crustal material sourced from molten magma that forms below.

What causes oceanic trenches?

Deep ocean trenches are made where one plate is submerged under another

Sea floor spreading ?

Two oceanic plates #nolongerbesties move apart and some really angry magma flows up to the space between the two angry bffs making a new oceanic plate 

Is there a space between tectonic plates near Hawaii?

let me know when u get the ans

Where do plates move?

Plates just move around, sometimes they go under each other ( when two plates collide, convergence), or they move apart(divergence), or slide past each other(transform). Somehow there is enough space. Who wrote ' in the dishwasher'?

Describe how the presence of faults and folds supports the idea that lithospheric plates are in motion?

Faults and folds just support the idea that there lithospheric plates are in motion because folds appear when the plates move towards each other. The faults appear when the plates drift apart and cause an empty space.

What is a diverging plate boundry?

2 plate tectonic plates that move away from each other. The most active divergent boundaries are between mid-oceanic ridges . A divergent boundary is an area in the Earth's crust where two plates have been pulled apart like at a spreading center.A divergent boundary is when two plates are moving away from each other.