

What happen to the sun at night?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Nothing really happens to the sun at night. Instead it is what happens to the part of the Earth where it is night. The earth is always turning, and the part that is turned away from the sun and is in shadow is called night. The sun is shining just the same in other parts of the world at the same time that you have night. See the Web Link for a simple explanation of this.

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12y ago

The earth turn to the moon not at the sun

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The sun is "out" all the time ... 24/7/365 .You're sitting on the Earth, which is spinning and taking you with it as it spins.When you happen to be in a place turned so that you can see the sun, you call that "day".When you happen to be in a place turned so that you can'tsee the sun, you call that "night".

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The earth is move around everyday and the other side of the earth is facing away from the light so we have night if we have light from the sun we have day. Day happen everyday and so does night.

When does day and night occur?

For you, day occurs when the earth turns you in a direction where the sun can shine directly on you. Night occurs when the earth turns you in a direction where the sun can't shine on you, because part of the earth is in the way.For someone else in a different place, day and night may happen at different times from your day and night.

How does the sun have night and day?

The Sun does not experience night and day.