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Two things could have happened for the ice to melt. The temperature could have gone above 0 degrees. Or a pressure change could have lower the freezing point so that the ice will melt at a temperature where it was frozen.

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Q: What happens to the temperature of ice when it melts?
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Either the temperature will increase, or it will remain the same. In the latter case, there is a phase change, as when ice melts.

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=it melts==it melts==it melts=

What is the temperature at which ice melts?

when temperature start increaseing from 0 degree, ice start melting

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It melts

What happens when ice is in a plastic cup?

. it melts

What happens when dry ice melts?

Rather than melts, dry ice evaporates. This process is called sublimation and happens at a slower rate than the melting of water ice.

What happens when salt is added to ice?

If the ice is above a certain temperature, the salt will cause the ice to melt by lowering its melting point. The ice will absorb sensible heat as it melts, which means that the temperature of the solution will drop. If the temperature of the solution drops too low, the ice will stop melting unless it can absorb more heat from its surroundings.

When a substance melts the temperature of the substance?

it decreases.

What happened to the temperature of ice when it is completely melted?

well the temperature gets warm and the freakin ice melts