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The volume of cytoplasm reduces during plasmolysis

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Q: What happens to the volume of the cytoplasm during plasmolysis?
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The shrinking of plant cells when water leaves so the cell membrane pulls away from the cell is called?

When plant cells absorb water the volume capacity in the vacuole and cytoplasm try to expand outwards with increased pressure . When the cytoplasm pushes against the cell wall, the wall resists the expansion in its rigid structure . As a result the pressure inside the cell increases, because the volume cannot increase. A cell in this condition is called a swollen turgid cell.As the pressure inside the cell increases, water is pushed out of the cell to maintain the concentration of the sap. Eventually a balance is reached between the force drawing water into the cell and the force pushing water out of the cell, and the cell reaches equilibrium for osmosis.Excess water also transpires through the epidermis of the leaf ,stem or root.

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Volume increases with increase in temperature, and decreases with decrease in temperature.

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The volume of a liquid responds poorly to compression, but might decrease slightly.

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What happens is that the air volume entering the alveoli also decreases. Tidal volume is the quantity of air that enters and leaves the lungs during quiet breathing.

Why is there no growth of the blastomere during cleavage?

There is no growth because during cleavage the cells skip the G1 and G2 stages of interphase (when cell growth usually occurs). Because of this, cytoplasm volume stays constant throughout cleavage, only there are more cells to comprise the same volume.

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Daughter cells are smaller in volume than the parent cell. This is because they split the cytoplasm of the parent cell during cytokinesis.

What makes up most of the volume of living cells?

I think it is either the nucleus or the cytoplasm. The nucleus is the largest organelle though.

In a typical animal cell does the cytoplasm occupy almost all of the volume or a little more than half the volume or one quarter or a very small part?

in a typical animal cell, the cytoplasm occupies a little more than half the volume.