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Q: What happens to water when a static rubber comb is by it?
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What happens when you rub a comb of a piece of wool?

The copper penny might get cleaner. If it were a rubber penny, then you would get static electricity.

Why does hair stand up when a rubber comb is passed through it?

The hair experiences static friction.

How do you do a science fair project about static electricity?

There are a good number of science fair projects about static electricity like: 1) bending water with static electricity. 2) picking up styro-foam or paper with static electricity. 1)Take a plastic comb, comb through long, dry hair at least 30 times. get a slow, steady stream of water running in the bathroom sink. put the comb about an 1/8 of an inch next to the water. voila!

Static electricity using comb and paper?

static electricity is caused by the attraction or repulsion of electric charges. surfaces have the ability to transfer charges to each other. when you comb your hair that is what happens. your hair gives the comb so electrons so now the comb isnegativley charged. when you put the comb near the paper, all the negative charges in the paper move away and te positive chrages move toward the comb,this makes the paper cling to the comb

What kind of electricity can be produced with a comb?

Static electricity can be produced with a comb.

What is one kind of evidence that static electricity happens?

Static charges build on every body. If enough charges build on body then static discharge happens when they came in contact. Examples are attracting of paper pieces with comb , Xerox machine , Vandegraff generator etc.,

Does the size of the comb affect the static power?


What kind of electricity is in hair when you comb through it?


Why tiny bits of dry paper are pulled by a rubber comb?

the rubbing motion has charged it with electostatic energy it has taken it off because it is hard and the spikes take it off

What kind of force can make a paper clip cling to a comb?

That is the static charge, which make a paper clip cling to a comb.

Why doesn't an iron comb attract pieces of paper?

It is only after a build up of static electricity in the iron comb that will cause paper to be attracted to the comb.

Can static electricity do work and how do you know?

Yes. Static electricity can do work.I know because when I draw a rubber comb through my hair on a dry day and then pass itover a bunch of bits of tissue on the table, the bits of tissue jump straight up to the comb.The static charge on the comb exerted a force on the tissue bits, and the product of the forceon each bit multiplied by the distance through which it jumped is the work done on it by thestatic field.