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Yes, this is because there is no gravity for your heart t fight againts while it is pumping blood to the head. This is likely similar to when you stand upside down and the blood rushes to your head. And so as less force is required the muslce starts to deteriorate, of course it is still nesessary and increased peripheral resistance will mean it still required quite alot of force so it might not be a drastic as youd think, probably about as much as an athlete taking a few weeks off and jsut chilling. Interestingly reinsertion into the normal environment (earth) causes autonomic changes that can challenge the adaptions of peripheral resistance and may lead to an ailment called presyncope.

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14y ago

A weak heart is always a problem. However in micro gravity muscles do not have to work so hard as they do not have to overcome the force of gravity, this can be beneficial and detrimental. Muscles need to be exercised or they atrophy or waste away though non use.

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Your heart shrinks because you don't have to work as much in space.

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