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Q: What happens when Odysseus reveals his identity to the suitors?
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When does Odysseus reveal his identity?

After winning the archery contest he reveals his identity to the suitors and kills them all.

What do the suitors tell Odysseus after he reveals himself?


What help does Athena give Odysseus as he prepares for Penelope's question about his identity?

Athena helps Odysseus disguise himself before he reveals himself to Penelope, so that he can observe her interaction with the suitors. She also helps him defeat and kill Penelope's suitors before he plans to meet his wife and answer her questions about his identity.

Who are the two people Odysseus reveals himself to?

To the suitors.

Do the suitors know that the beggar is Odysseus?

No, Odysseus has them completely fooled, until he reveals himself after killing Antinous.

How do the suitors react when Odysseus kills Antinous?

The suitors react with outrage, and threaten to kill Odysseus. They think the killing is an accident and still do not realize Odysseus' identity or intentions.

What happens to Penelope's suitors?

Odysseus and his son slaughter them when Odysseus gets home.

Who recognized Odysseus when he returned home?

Odysseus' dog Argus, and his nursemaid Euryclea recognize Odysseus without him revealing himself to them. Odysseus reveals himself to Telemachus in Eumaeus' home. Later on before the battle with the suitors, he reveals himself to Eumaeus the swineherd, Philoetius the cow herd, and a stockman. After stringing his bow and shooting through the 12 axe handles and Antinous' throat, he reveals himself to the suitors who then recognize him. Finally, Odysseus reveals himself to Penelope, who eventually believes that it is him.

Climax of adventures of the Odysseus?

The climax of "The Odyssey" is when Odysseus reveals his true identity to his wife Penelope and proves his identity through a test only he could pass - stringing his bow and shooting an arrow through a line of axes. This moment marks the resolution of Odysseus' journey and sets the stage for his final confrontation with the suitors.

Why did Odysseus reveal himself to swineherd and the cowherd?

He reveals himself so that they may help him slaughter the suitors.

Why is the Odysseus' bow and the slaying of the suitors the climax?

The climax of Odysseus' story is the moment when he reveals his true identity and wins the bow contest, signifying his return to power and reclaiming his home. The slaying of the suitors represents his ultimate triumph and the resolution of the challenges he faced during his journey. Together, these events mark the peak of tension and lead to the resolution of the story.

How does Odysseus prove his identity to the cowherd and the swineherd?

Odysseus proves his identity to the cowherd and the swineherd by revealing a scar on his thigh, which was inflicted by a boar when he was young. This scar is a unique and personal detail that only Odysseus would know about, confirming his true identity to the cowherd and the swineherd.