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Q: What happens when a balloon is rubbed against a wall?
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A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall which demonstrated charge?

A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall demonstrating the charge of static electricity. The friction of the rubbing of the balloon causes the charge to build.

Why does a balloon stick to the wall after it is rubbed on polymer?

The idea is that the balloon gains electric charge.

Why does a balloon stick to a wall when its rubbed on hair?

static electricity

Why does a balloon stick to the wall when it is rubbed with wool?

because of the friction

You watch your friend rub a balloon on their sweater and then stick it to the wall. To investigate, you set up an experiment to test what happens with other objects. What's the test variable in your experiment?

Answer: When you put the balloon on the wall after you rubbed it on the sweater. the balloon would either stick to the wall or repel from the wall depending on what kind of electrons there are on the sweater

Why a balloon that has a static electric charge will stick to a wall?

This is because on the exact same place you rubbed the balloon on it will have electrons wich made it stick on the wall.

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Can safety matches ignite when rubbed against a wall?

Depends on the wall.

How is the contact different between a balloon and sweater and a balloon and the wall?

Balloons may stick to a knit sweater, but normally the electromagnetic force will oppose it. However, once a balloon is rubbed on a sweater, it can stick to a wall (or other surface) by creating an electrostatic (magnetic) field with the stationary wall.

If two balloons are rubbed on a wool sweater they should stick to each other?

The balloon has a greater affinity for electrons so it obtains a negative charge after being rubbed against the sweater. The balloon, containing a highly negative charge, sticks to the wall because it is attracted to the positive charges in the wall (opposites attract). After a while, the balloon's extra electrons move to the wall and both objects become neutrally charged. Lacking any significant attraction, the balloon will fall off the wall.

A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall which demonstrates charge a. transfer b. polarization c. conservation d. potential?


What happens when you hold a negatively charged balloon near a wall and how does it negatively charge the wall?

Because it does