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The blue light turns turqoise shining of the green object

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Q: What happens when a blue light shines on a green object?
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What happens when light shines on green paper?

a green object it will reflect a green light and will absorb all other colours.

If object is white in sunlight what color will it be in green light?

If an object is white in sunlight it will be green in green light. A white object reflects all wavelengths (colors) of light that shine on it. If only green light shines on it, that color will be reflected and the object will look green.

What happens when white light shines on a violet object?

When white light shines onto a violet object, the violet part of white light reflects off of the object, causing you to see violet. White light it ROYGBIV, which is the colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet). So white light IS the combination of ALL of these colours.

What happens when the sun shines on a white surface?

The light from the sun, which is made up of equal parts of red, green and blue (even though it may not look it), will be reflected off of the white surface, staying white as the white surface reflects equal parts of red, green and blue.

What happens when light shines on a blue object?

Blue light is reflected, other colors are absorbed.

What happens when light shines on a translucent object?

The light shines through but only blurry so you cannot see the outline aswell Hope this helps x

When a white light shines on a green apple what happens?

The apple skin absorbs all of the wavelengths in the light EXCEPT the green ones.

what happens if your wearing a red outfit and a green light shines on you?

You will become stupid for 5 minutes

What happens to the different colors of light when white light shines on a opaque violet object?

it reflects violet and absorbs the other colors

What happens to the different colors of light when white light shines on opaque violet object?

White light contains all the wavelengths of the visible spectrum at equal intensity. The different colors of light, except violet, are absorbed when white light shines on an opaque violet object. The violet color is reflected.

What happens when light shines through an opaque object?

The photons all get absorbed. None of them make it to the other side to escape.

What happens to light when it hits a coloured object?

It can be either reflected or absorbed. E.g. if the object is green, all the colours of light are absorbed except green. Green is reflected and not absorbed.