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It says uh-oh, dies and explodes. Then some one steps on one of the prickly things and they blow up

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3y ago
mmm hmmm
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3y ago
no not at all
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3y ago

No idea

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Q: What happens when a cactus gets struck by lightning?
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What happens to the glass ball on a lightning rod if it gets struck by lightning?

If a glass ball on a lightning rod is struck by lightning, it may shatter due to the extreme heat generated by the lightning strike. Additionally, the lightning may travel through the rod to the ground, protecting the building from damage.

What happens to the person in a car when car gets struck by lightning?

Nothing really happens to the person in a car when the vehicle gets struck by lightning as long as they remain in the car. Once a person touches a metallic part of the car and the ground at the same time, they run the risk of electrocution.

What is the real answer to What happens to a toad that gets struck by lightning?

"The same things that happens to everything else." ~ storm (Halle Berry)

What happens when the Eiffel tower gets struck by lightning?

Well, it will probably fall down and kill hundreds of people.

Does the sky tower get struck by lightning?

Yes, The Auckland Sky Tower gets struck by lightning :D

What happens when someone gets stroke by lighting?

They die ps you spelt struck wrong A person does not always die after being struck by lightning. There are many occasions where people have survived a lightning strike. You can always do a search on lightning strike survivors and you will see this is true.

What does the metaphor struck by a bolt of lightning mean?

It means when someone gets an idea

What happens when an eel gets struck by lightning?

If an eel gets struck by lightning, it would most likely suffer severe burns and possibly be killed due to the high voltage of the electrical discharge. The electricity from the lightning strike can cause damage to the eel's internal organs and nervous system, leading to paralysis or death.

Can lightning toast a marshmallow?

Lightning is really hot. If you put a marshmellow somewhere in a thunderstorm, and if it gets struck by lightning, I wouldn't say it'd be toasted. It'd be burnt!

What happens when a dog gets struck by lighting?

It dies

What happens when a panda gets struck by lightning?

If a panda were to get struck by lightning, it would likely suffer burns and injuries similar to any other animal. In severe cases, it could lead to internal damage or death. However, the chances of a panda being struck by lightning are very low due to their habitat and behavior.

What happens if another god gets Zeus' lightning bolt?

They most likely will go to war.