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Q: What happens when a charged object is brought near a metallic object that is not charged?
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What can happen when an charged object can be brought near an charged object?

Induction happens

What happens when a charged object is brought to another oppositely charged object?

There will be flow of electrons from negatively charged object towards the positively charged object making an attempt to make both of them electrically neutral.

Why is it possibe for an uncharged object to appear charged if no charge has been transfered to it?

Charge is induced in the object when another charged object brought near it. this happens due to charge separation in the object thus making it polar.

What happens when charged object are brought near uncharged objects?

the electric-charge interaction occurs when a''charge'' object is near another ''charge'' or ''uncharde''object

How do you charge metallic hollow sphere?

touch it with a charged object....

What will happen if a negatively charged object is brought near a suspended positively charged object?


What happens when you bring a positivly charged object close to a negetevly charged object?


What happens to a neutrally charged object if it gains electrons?

negatively charged

What will happen to the electrons in a neutral object if a negatively charged balloon is brought near the object?

The electrons are repelled by the negatively charged balloon.

What happens to an uncharged object when it comes in contact with a charged object.After the object that was charged lost electrons and the uncharged object gained electrons?

It becomes charged. (negatively)

What attract when a charged object is brought close to an uncharged object use?

If positively charged body is brought near then opposite charges i.e. negative charges are induced and hence attraction occurs

How is the charge brought back to normal?

If an object is negatively charged, electrons will eventually drain off the charged object into the environment until the charge is neutral. If an object is positively charged, electrons will be attracted from the environment onto the charged object until its charge is neutral.