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Earthquakes, tsunami's.

you name it and it could happen

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Q: What happens when a continental plate and an oceanic plate meet?
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What forms when a continental and oceanic plate meet?

convergent boudary

Where does oceanic and continental plates meet?

In a head-on collision, the oceanic plate subducts into the mantle.

What are the three types of convergent plate boundries?

The three types of convergent boundaries are when two plates meet and two oceanic plate meet, or where an oceanic and continental plate meet.the three types of convergent boundaries are continent boundaries , continent - ocean boundaries, and last but not least............. ocean boundaries

Why does the oceanic crust move below continental crust?

The basaltic oceanic crust is more dense than the granitic continental crust. Therefore, when the two meet at plate margins, the oceanic crust usually subducts beneath the continental plate.

What happens when two oceanic plates meet?

the colder,oceanic plate sinks?!?!

What are plate boundraries?

Plate boundaries are where two plates of continental or oceanic meet and form a monutain range, trench, etc.

What happens when a oceanic and continental plate move towards each other?

It is called a destructive plate type of crust is oceanic and the other is continental. when they meet the oceanic crust gets pushed down as it is heavier. the friction caused when it sinks creates huge earthquakes and the crust re-melts and gets forced upwards due to pressure to form a volcano.

What is it called when two tectonic plates colide?

It's referred to as a Convergent Boundary If 2 Continental Plates --> Mountains If 2 Oceanic Plates --> Subduction of Heavier (older) Plate If Continental-Oceanic --> Oceanic Plate slides under the Continental Plate (Subduction of Oceanic)

Where do subduction boundarys occur?

There is no such thing as a subduction boundary, there are divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries. When there is a continental-oceanic convergent boundary (when a continental plate and an oceanic plate smash together) the oceanic plate, because it is more dense sinks into deeper layers of the earth. The area where the two plates meet makes a trench which is a subduction zone. The oceanic plate will melt into the earth and because of the excess lava it rises out onto the continent and makes a volcanic mountain and the lava erupts.

Do subduction take place when two oceanic crust meet?

No subduction doesn't take place when two oceanic crust meet. When two oceanic crusts meet, it is called a divergent boundary. Crustal features vary such as one like mid-ocean rdges. Subducting takes place when an OCEANIC and CONTINENTAL plate meet not when two oceanic plates meet.

When two oceanic plates meet witch plate gets subducted and why?

When two oceanic plates meet, which plate gets subducted and why

What happens when oceanic plates meet?

If the plates are moving toward each other from opposite directions, the more dense oceanic plate will subduct in a conveyor belt like operation under the less dense continental plate. Transform plate boundaries occur where plates of any combination grind alongside each other and result in faults and earthquakes.