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Q: What happens when a freshly precipitated Fe (OH)3 is shaken with a little amount of dilute solution of FeCl3?
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How can you determine the chloride in soap?

If the soap is fully and completely water soluble, its chloride content can be precipitated by adding silver nitrate solution to the soap solution, and the amount of silver chloride solution used until precipitation ceases measures the content of sodium originally in the solution. There are also many other analytical methods available.

What happens when pH is lowered?

The amount of hydronium ions increase and the solution becomes more acidic.

What happens if solids are soluble in water?

They will dissolve in the water and form a solution. The amount that will dissolve depends on the solubility of the solid and the temperature.

What happens with calcium reacts with hydrochloric acid?

A potentially dangerous amount of energy is released, and the calcium is oxidized to calcium cations in solution, while hydrogen gas is evolved from the solution.

What happens to the pH if a small amount of strong acid is added to an non buffered solution?

It will all depend on the amount of solution and the amount of acid that you add. It will move the pH closer to 7. If the amount of solution is rather small, the pH will move further towards the acid side.

What happens to solute molecules when the solvent evaporates or boils?

once the molecules evaporates or boils that there would be less of an amount of the component in the solution.

What happens if a cell is placed in a beaker containing isotonic solution?

well it would be that their is an equal amount of solution inside and outside the cell. it is neither hypotonic or hypertonic. it is balanced or equal.

What is a solution that contains a large amount of solute?

The solution has a lower concentration. We can also say that it is dilute. Concentration is the amount of solute over the volume of solvent, thus when a large amount of solvent is used, concentration of the solution is low.

How does the amount of solute moles and grams relate to the density and molarity of the solution?

Increasing the amount of the solute in the solution the molarity and the density of this solution increases.

A solution that contains less than the maximum amount of solute is descried as?

Such a solution would be termed "dilute" as opposed to a "concentrated" or "saturated" solution containing either a great amount of solute, or the entire amount of solute possible in a particular solvent.

When the maximum amount of solid is dissolved in a solution what kind of solution is it?

A saturated solution