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She cant get pregnant

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Q: What happens when a girl who hasn't gone through pubirty has sex?
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Related questions

What changes in their body for girl in pubirty?

Breast development, hair growth, vaginal mucus, etc.

Can a 12 year old sperm and make a 9 year old pregnant?

well i dont judge but you shouldnt be having sex at such a young age. first doesthe 9 year old im guessing this is the girl have her period. once a girl has had her period she can get pregnant but it all depends on if the guy has gone through pubertyso if the girl hasnt gotten her period yet the answer is no she cant be pregnant. but if she has gotten it and the guy has gone through puberty yes it is possible for the girl to be pregnant. if the guy hasnt gone through puberty once again the answer is no. so she can only be pregnant if the guy has gone through puberty and the girl has gottenher period.

Who has a crush on a girl named Julia Sweison Tell me about yourself Tell me about your relation with her?

HA who HASNT done her,.

What happens when a girl follows through a queef?

ill tell you when your older.

What is a girls period?

its when girls bleed from their vagina (Private spot) normally once a month. they dont get it when they ae pregnant because it goes to their baby

Why do girls a much easier life than boys?

I am a girl, and I would have to disagree with this! Boys "choose" their life style, they make their lives difficult. Girls go through their period phase... every month for 3-5 days, yes boys go through pubirty ONCE.Girls birth and take care of children, while boys can just relax and enjoy their life.. The one who is always expected to b there is the girl. Now what about a girls life seems so easy?

What happens to girl's eggs when they reach puberty?

The womb holds the eggs when girls are going through puberty

When a girl get their puberty what changers happens to them?

When a girl goes through puberty her breast's get bigger she grows hair in her armpits and on her privet part. Then later she gets her period.

What happens when a girl is beautiful on the outside and super nice in the inside?

Se becomes a beautiful person though and through.

Does Hinata have kids with Naruto?

Yes. They have two twins named Minato and Yuri. I dont know how they got back together but they had a baby boy and girl for twins!

What happens if a girl that hasn't been through puberty and gets dis charge?

You're going to get it soon... "IT" being your period, Chica ;)

Does everyone go through that chubby stage during puberty?

yes, it is called bloating and happens to every girl during puberty