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You'll be ordered to make payments. A San Diego Navy Commander was ordered to pay $120,000 in retroactive child support for a 14 year old daughter he did not know existed. They took his family's house, his retirement fund, his kids college funds, and all savings, leaving $80,000 still owing. His income was attached for 55% of the gross. He had to move his wife and four boys into a two bedroom apartment on base. see link

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Q: What happens when a house is sold and the child support Arrearage is not cleared?
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What if you marry the father of your child dose he still have to pay child support?

If you're living together with the child, no; in such a case, get an order terminating support and setting the arrearage or stating that no arrearage is owed.

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Can you be signed off arrearage child support in Ohio?

No. Once you owe back child support (arrearage), you' will be paying until paid in full. There is no statute of limitations when child support is at issue, regardless of the age (s) of the child (ren).

What happens if you owe arrears on child support case if you get custody?

Unless the court states otherwise, you still owe that arrearage.

Can arreage in child support void what the decreed says?

"arrearage" ... "decree" - no

When a child turns legal how can you stop pay child support?

Get a court order terminating support as of a specific date, with a finding as to the amount of arrearage, or that there is no arrearage. Then send certified copeis to the child support agencies in your State and the State where the child lives and/or any other orders were entered in the matter.

When a child turns 21 can they sign off on your rear child support in Florida?

Do you mean, "arrearage?" The answer is, no.

How do you stop child support in Florida if it has not stopped by 18?

Get a court order terminating support as of a specific date, with a finding as to the amount of arrearage, or that there is no arrearage. Then send certified copies to the child support agencies in your State and the State where the child lives and/or where any other orders were entered in the matter.

What paperwork needs to be filed to stop child support when child turns 19?

My suggestion: Get a court order terminating support as of a specific date, with a finding as to the amount of arrearage, or that there is no arrearage. Then send certified copies to the child support agencies in your State and the State where the child lives and/or where any other orders were entered in the matter.

Which legal excuse can one send to a judge for child support?

Assuming this is about a child support arrearage, the only legal excuses are misidentification and payment.

What steps should you take to stop child support when child reach age 19 in Alabama?

Get a court order terminating support as of a specific date, with a finding as to the amount of arrearage, or that there is no arrearage. Then send certified copies to the child support agencies in your State and the State where the child lives and/or where any other orders were entered in the matter.

In Georgia can you stop paying arrears on child support if the child marries and has a child?

No, you can't stop paying the arrearage. You can file a motion to terminate current/future payments since the child is now married, but you will still owe the arrearage.