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Q: What happens when a landform plate slide past another?
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What happens when one tectonic plate slides against another?

An earthquake or tremmor may happen if the slide is strong enough.

Does plate slide under another plate at a divergent plate boundary?

Yes it does!

Which landform results when one of earths plates slide past one another?


What happens when you prepare a smear from a agar plate or slant without first placing water on slide?

If you prepare a slide from an agar plate without placing water on the slide first the agar will be to lumpy on the slide. It will make to much of the specimen be in one spot.

What plates slide past each other?

A transformed plate margin is the plate that slides past each other

What type of plate boundaries where 2 plates slide?

A Transform Boundary Is When Two Tectonic Plates Slide By One Another

What is it called when two plates slide one under the other?

It is known as subduction.

Does the North American plate collide divide or slide?


What are the three types of earthing?

slide plate blind plate ambot plate

How does an earthquake on the ocean floor create a tsunami?

This happens awith earthquakes at a particular kind of plate boundary called a subduction zone, where one tectonic plate slides under another. As this happens, the plates snag on one another and builf up tension. Earthquakes occur when this tension is released and the plates slide into a more stable position. When this happens, it can also cause sections of the seafloor to move up or down. This can displace huge volumes of seawater, triggering tsunami waves.

How might two tectonic plates interact with each other?

They can collide with each otherOne plate may slide under another plate.They can slide past each other

Where does subduction most often occur?

Subduction only occurs on convergent plate boundaries, which means that the two plates are colliding. Subduction is basically the sinking of one plate below another. This happens when an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, and the more dense oceanic plate filled with more mafic rock types (with magnesium/iron and less silica) slide under the less dense continental crust.