

What happens when children get obese?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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you will get either a heart attack and it will be difficult to get rid of all the fat that's culsted in you stomach

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Q: What happens when children get obese?
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Approximately 18.5% of children in the US are considered obese.

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you get fat and OBESE!

What percentage of children are obese in Greece?

36.9 in 2008 And 20% to 25% of Australia adults are obese, even more are seriously overweight. Since 1995 to 1997 the obese record has double.

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The question itself is faulty. Not all five year old children are obese. If any given one is obese there are many possible causes to investigate including diet and disease.

What happens if you get to fat?

you can get diseases and may die if obese

What percent of New Zealand children are obese?

8.3 percent is obese and 20 percent of the people are over weight

What happens if you over eat?

You can become obese and get lots of diseases

Are there more obese children than there are adults?

No theres not. And its all what you feed your kids. What they grow up on.

What effects does fat have on children?

It makes them obese and unable to do things.